Written by Joniel Gyles
The spotlight is now ours; to keep, share, and do as we please, and it’s time we took it off the souvenir shelf and start using it.“
Stepping into the spotlight can be incredibly intimidating. Whether it’s a literal spotlight shining in your face or a metaphorical one highlighting your work and opinions, it can be uncomfortable and even painful. Personally, I recall the discomfort of having a flashlight unexpectedly pointed at my eyes, causing a headache and a surge of pain. The mere thought of that pain was enough for me to say “no thanks” to any spotlight, regardless of whether it was a flashlight or not. The spotlight can bring about actual physical discomfort, or it can expose you to criticism and the dismantling of your character, work, or opinions. However, amidst all the challenges, there is a profound beauty in instigating change.
It’s understandable that many of us, especially introverted women like myself, instinctively shy away from the spotlight due to numerous obvious and not-so-obvious reasons. However, it’s crucial to consider the rewarding nature of stepping into that spotlight. Until relatively recently, women having the spotlight was merely a figment of imagination. Thankfully, in many ways, we have moved past the struggle for a mere glimmer of recognition in our respective domains. The spotlight now belongs to us, and it’s up to us to keep it, share it, and put it to use. It’s time to take it off the shelf of mere souvenirs and embrace it.
Here are some suggestions to help you embrace the spotlight:
Embrace the power of your voice

One of the primary factors that deter many individuals from exploring their interests is the belief that too many others are already doing the same thing. While it may be true that there are numerous podcasts, for example, remember that “there’s no you.” Forget about everyone else and what they bring to the table; instead, focus on the value and uniqueness that you bring and offer that. Recognize the power in that and never underestimate any opportunity. It’s better to try and fail than to never try at all.
Pursue your passion
If something consumes your thoughts and you can’t imagine doing anything else, it’s a clear sign that you should pursue it. Whether it’s empowering women, preserving the environment, or fighting for equality, find a cause that ignites your soul and commit to it. Embracing your passion will give your voice purpose and direction. However, However, having purpose and direction doesn’t mean you won’t suck at first, it doesn’t also mean it will be comfortable, but resist the urge to focus too much on your current capacity. Start by identifying the things you would willingly do for free, and then grow those passions into something that not only benefits you but also extends to helping others.
Celebrate others, don’t dim anybody else’s light

Mature and self-aware women understand that they don’t need to belittle others to elevate themselves. While throwing shade and engaging in power plays might be common, especially in today’s cancel culture, ask yourself—at what cost?
Will it damage your reputation, integrity, or credibility? Secure women simply don’t operate that way, and in the long run, there’s more to lose than to gain. Concentrate on making your own spotlight shine brighter: take the course, write the book, and focus on personal development. In doing so you’ll become so exemplary at what you do, you won’t need to worry about anyone else’s light, not even for a second.
Find your people, you aren’t here for everybody
While working for a popular American pet brand, we were instructed as customer service agents to recommend our competitors’ products and services if we didn’t offer them ourselves. Some might view this as counterproductive, but every successful individual, or even company, knows their strengths as well as their weaknesses. Stepping into the spotlight can magnify the areas in which we fall short, but it’s essential to be okay with that. Once you step into the spotlight, people will be drawn to you for various reasons. Serve those you can and graciously direct those you can’t to other sources Listen, you will stretch yourself thin, trying to be everything to everybody, and Sis you weren’t made to do that. Interact with other thought leaders, and influencers, and connect with like-minded individuals, but always, always, stay true to your own path.
Start somewhere

Okay, I’m not going to suggest that you distribute flyers on car windshields to promote your services, as that might cost you a wiper or two, and little success. However, if that approach has worked for you in the past, go for it. Nevertheless, more often than not, those flyers end up on the ground or in the trash. So, yes, get started, but Sis, consider how you show up in that spotlight. For some, the how and where you start can be the deciding factor in whether or not you are taken seriously. Nowadays, social media is often the most practical way to put your face or voice out there and reach a vast audience. Don’t underestimate its potential, but be aware that social media doesn’t suit everyone. Network, collaborate, and engage in activities that align with your brand and message. Determine what works best for you and your brand and goals.
Make knowledge your superpower
Sis, knowledge is where it’s at!! You can show up in the spotlight as just another loudmouth clamoring to be heard, or you can be someone who clearly did their homework. The difference is glaringly obvious, and that’s why educating yourself about the topics you’re passionate about takes your voice to extraordinary levels. Read books, delve into research articles, and stay informed through trusted news sources. Attend workshops, webinars, or seminars to broaden your horizons and gain new perspectives. The more you know, the more opportunities will come your way and platforms open up to allow you to be heard—Substance will always take you further than hype. Understand what you stand for and only compromise on matters that align with your core values.
Listen, if there was ever a time to believe that the spotlight was made for you too, it is now. Today, we have the incredible privilege not only to listen but also to have our voices heard among those who are listened to. This privilege fills me with hope for change, particularly in the context of The Beyond Woman’s Vision of sharing impactful stories of women of color. Hey! You possess a voice that deserves all the good this world has to offer. Your thoughts, ideas, and experiences hold tremendous value, and it’s time to cast aside self-Doubt and kick all those fears of judgment to the curb. Believe in yourself and embrace the fact that your voice has the potential to significantly rock this world.