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Mind Matters, Your Key to Wellness and Success

Contributed by Faith Waltson

If you think you are beaten …you are, If you think you dare not, you don’t. If you’d like to win but think you can’t, It is almost a cinch you won’t._Excerpt From Walter D Wintle’s: State of Mind

Let us unpack this for a moment. The mind serves as the powerful command center of the body. How we think, what resides in our consciousness, influences and impacts our physical bodies and by extension, our external world and affairs.

Sometimes, we seek external reasons for hindrances to self-actualization. Life’s curveballs, appearing in our experiences, often serve as confirmations that a thing is or was indeed difficult, unattainable, or impossible. We might even find ourselves comparing our capabilities and achievements, physical and otherwise, to those of others based on their apparent accomplishments. But what if becoming a healthier, fitter, and stronger version of oneself started with a decision—your decision? What if self-actualization were as simple as mind over matter?

Life is filled with highs and lows. We don’t always get to ride the high waves; sometimes, we must navigate the low waves, while at other times, we find ourselves balancing between both. Regardless of your expertise, socioeconomic background, or circumstance, there is a process to make progress. Slow progress is still progress, and taking one step at a time is still progress. Having the gift of life and health means being fully equipped with everything necessary to overcome adversity, whether it’s external or internal doubts, fears, or limited self-beliefs. You are fully loaded!

Avenues of expression and actualization may shift, and the physical manifestations of our desires may change, but successful results, however, they manifest, must come once the decision to become a better or higher version of oneself is made. The theory, practice, and truth of mind-body connectivity have been tried and proven over centuries. Great philosophers, academics, scientists, athletes, and others chose to exist and express themselves from a place of knowing that everything is possible because they believed it to be so.

Remember, it is all mind over matter. So, let’s take a few steps together and kick-start your journey with these simple practices:

Hey…you woke up today. Give thanks for another day!

Throughout the day, irrespective of how it plays out—express gratitude. Affirm your truth: “I have the power and the courage to become a healthier, fitter, stronger, and better version of myself.” Gratitude empowers, elevates, uplifts, and aligns you with the frequency of all the good you are to experience, such as health, wealth, and abundance.

Read or listen to something positive every day!

Whether it is a Bible verse, affirmations on YouTube, positive uplifting songs, or a quote, then do that!

Change a Bad Habit!

Substitute seemingly unhealthy dietary practices with the healthiest alternatives you have available. How about replacing juice with water for starters? Remember, we’re taking it one step at a time.


We often convince ourselves that we don’t have time to exercise, but the truth is that we don’t find time; we make time. You can easily incorporate simple exercises into your daily routine, such as spending 10 minutes before or after work or taking a 10-minute walk during your lunch hour.

Take a moment to acknowledge any unlovely thoughts or feelings that may arise, and then release them!

Give yourself grace. You are in charge of your thought processes, actions, and reactions. Negative thoughts will come, but release them, and focus your attention on something positive in the present moment. Do something positive to improve how you feel. Think better, be better. Repeat this process as often as necessary.

Choose health, choose wellness, choose better, and your body will respond accordingly. Your external world and affairs will begin to reflect wellness in all forms. Choose to tap into and claim this amazing power within you, despite what you see and hear.

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