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Mind-Body Connectivity: What Does It Mean?

Contributed by Faith Waltson

It simply means that the body will do what the mind instructs it to do. Whatever you require of the physical body is first processed in the mind. We determine what is physically possible or impossible based on self-imposed limitations or external suggestions about gender, age, height, or just unmitigated ignorance and fear. The truth is that we are born limitless, with immense power to become the highest version of ourselves. As we grow, we are exposed to external stimuli that influence how we think and operate. To achieve anything, one must first conceive it, believe it, and cultivate the mindset that anything and everything is possible. Your mindset creates, shapes, or attracts conditions, circumstances, or appearances that confirm what you believe.

The mind and body are constantly engaged in a symbiotic dance: the mind impacts how the body functions, while the way the body responds to external stimuli affects one’s mental state. For example, pain or emotional distress drastically affects one’s mood. In those moments, one tends to be snappy, easily triggered, or angry. Our bodies react to stress in various ways, sometimes creating a breeding ground for mild to severe medical issues due to elevated cortisol levels that can lead to weight gain, high blood pressure, and more.

Erroneous thought processes will never yield positive outcomes; they create doubt, confusion, frustration, feelings of worthlessness, and even depression. However, when one experiences mental and emotional euphoria, the body is more relaxed, at ease, and performs at its best. Positive thoughts, a good mental state, and a consistent workout regimen, accompanied by commitment, discipline, and resilience, create the perfect cocktail for healthy, happy, and prosperous living. A healthy, positive mind-body symbiosis must yield positive results and sometimes even surpass expectations.

Let’s take it a step further.

If you’ve ever done a gym session, you may have been instructed by your trainer to focus on the area you’re working on. In other words, you’re being asked to mentally shift your attention to the muscle being worked to fully engage it and yield better results.

Or, consider those who have deemed themselves unfit or incapable of doing certain exercises without ever attempting them. How many times have you told yourself you can’t walk a mile or that 10 push-ups are difficult? The moment you deem something “hard,” then “hard” is the outcome you experience.

But what if walking a mile is as simple as putting one foot in front of the other and just keeping moving? And what if 10 push-ups were as simple as learning the proper technique and starting from a beginner’s level until you are mentally aligned with your highest and best physical possibilities?

Through the power of the mind, you can be, do, and become whatever you desire—from the fittest, strongest, and healthiest version of yourself to one of the world’s most influential beings. Be open to the possibility, and then create that life, that way of being, in the landscape of your imagination.

About the Author

Faith has a passion for fitness, wellness, and extreme sports. She is dubbed within the fitness industry as the Tyre Queen due to her unique strength and ability to create exercises using truck and tractor tires. She has achieved podium finishes in various 5k races and obstacle course racing, qualifying for OCR World Championships. Additionally, she has won multiple fitness competitions, a trainer in the corporate wellness program under the Trainfit Club Ja umbrella. She has earned stunt acting roles in the UK HBO series “Get Millie Black” and recently in the One Love Movie biopic of Bob Marley. Faith recognizes that there is no limit to what one can achieve as long as one remains true to oneself and believes that only the self determines one’s destiny.