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God Is Always Working

I recently viewed a video interview of a childhood friend of mine, which was two nights before I wrote this article. During the interview, he openly spoke about his journey of doubting his faith and eventually distancing himself from it. However, after years of passionately debating with others on social media about his rejection of Christian beliefs, he had now returned to the faith.

As I watched the video, a sense of steady joy filled me. It was clear that God had answered my prayers, and I knew I wasn’t the only one praying for my childhood friend. His family and our bible study group had also been praying for him. For years, I had been praying on and off, unaware that my prayers had been answered. Although I didn’t see the exact moment when my friend’s faith was restored, I knew that God had been working behind the scenes, and the video was living proof of that.

I am reminded of Hannah, who was hurting, harassed, despondent, and discouraged. She went before the Lord in prayer, seeking the son she desired. In anguish, she poured out her heart to the Lord with groanings that were unheard by natural ears. Although we only see this instance of Hannah’s prayer in the scriptures, I do not believe it was her first time praying. The scriptures tell us that Hannah and her family went yearly to the temple to offer sacrifices. These sacrifices were for the atonement of sins and thanksgiving, but they were also for petitioning God.

I believe that year after year, Hannah gave her offerings to the priest and prayed about her desire. She likely went to the temple on other days, not specified for giving sacrifices while in Jerusalem, to pray as she did in this instance. Year after year, hoping, believing, and waiting, she kept on praying and waiting. She continued to pray until God answered her prayers.

As some of you may know (see The Beyond Woman Magazine Issue __ to learn more), I have left my job and have been on a faith walk of social entrepreneurship and ministry. During this time of building, finances are very low. Despite being stretched, I continue to trust in God. When I have a need or even a want, I pray and He answers (for example, He sent money for me to go on a beach trip). It’s important to keep praying because the answer God provides is not just for us, but for the fulfillment of His will. Take Abraham as an example. When God called him out of his home country, Abraham responded to a call that was bigger than himself. When God promised…